Within infringement processes a patent (family) or even a patent portfolio value is necessary to know.
Benchmarking based on patents (and utility models), activation of patents in the balance as intangible fixed assets, mareting intelligences in terms of innovation strength
Companies with patents in a certain field are also potential licencees. So looking for assignees with high patent values filtered by certain technology field leads to licencee prospects.
When Nortel Co. was bankrupt in 2009 the average 5 years book value was "only" 1.2bn USD. The patent portfolio was sold a year later for 4.5 bn USD. A huge asset that was not seeable before.
When transferring a patent into a foreign entity, the value needs to be determined. This may also be required when a patent is used in different entities.
When looking for a technical or natural scientific candidate to buy or invest in, the patents of this company and their values are essential.
Intellectual Property Rights
all worldwide patents rated in a database
monetary and qualitative values available
valuations for different time periods available - from current back to 2007
value trends of patents
standard essential patents (SEP) identified & valued
qualitative benchmarking of (similar) patents
We are making corporations, companies, IP portfolios, patent-families regarding their patents and utility models transparent. We discover patent portfolio values of companies that are no where else visible in a balance sheet or company profile.
Our unique selling proposition is valuing big sized patent portfolios qualitatively as well as monetarily.
With our methodology based on more than 15 years of business experience in patent valuation and high tech infrastructure we can measure all patents worldwide and combine patent information with business information.
Our customers are M&A companies, banks, information providers, IP professionals, marketing-intelligence experts.
With our IP-intelligence-products we offer you in cooperation with business data providers incredible business key figures that allow you to take a deep look into a company’s R&D and innovation potential as well as the value potential that these technologies may offer.
Our vision is to be the first address in terms of patent valuation information worldwide.
Patent valuation platform
Find any patent family worldwide with a qualitative profile as well as a monetary value range. Or see the total patent portfolio value of companies.
The qualitative profile is shown in 5 different key figures
assignee, market attractiveness, covered markets,
technical quality, legal terms
The monetary value is based on patent families (equivalents) and delivers a good value impression with an amazing hit rate comparing values with prices that were paid during transactions. All the value information is available back to 2010 and shows also a value trend.
patent valuation data
Individual data services
The patent valuation data that are offered are worldwide unique.
Customers are data providers (Business Data, Patent data, financial data) or companies with patent management solutions. Here customers are addressed who decide for internal database solutions, regular data feeds i.e. for their patent management system or who intend to enrich their existing data with additional patent valuation information i.e. to complete a company profile.
IP Business Information B.V.
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